We’ve included a collection of Web Marketing Applications in your Web Hosting Control Panel that will help you effectively promote your sites on the web. The sitemap generation tool will help you to get a complete sitemap of your site. Additionally, you can easily submit that sitemap to search engines to list your website. The RSS News tool will help you to make fresh content material on your index page so you’ll get greater opportunities to rise higher in search engine results. Additionally, we have built–in a GeoIP re–direction tool that will enable you to approach your visitors far more accurately based on their geographic area.

A Sitemap Generator

Get a sitemap with all your web pages in an instant

The fastest way to get your newly released site scanned by the major search engines is to send a sitemap. The sitemap lists all the webpages on your site and by posting it to a particular search engine, you tell it that you would like those pages to get scanned in a timely manner. Sitemaps are often made by third–party tools. Nevertheless, with us, you don’t need to navigate away from your Web Hosting Control Panel. Host On Inter.NET’s in–house–built Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Applications section and is going to set up a sitemap for you in a mouse click.

What you need to do is choose the highest number of web pages you need to be scanned, the depth of the listed hyperlinks and also the extension of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Geo location–focused redirections with only a click of the mouse

Host On Inter.NET will provide you with an easy way to re–direct your clients based on physical location. Through the GeoIP re–direction application, you’ll be able to re–direct all of the visitors who arrive from a specific region to a native language variant of your site. For instance, in case you have an Italian version of your site, you can quickly send all of the site visitors coming from Italy to that particular web page rather than asking them to switch to Italian once they load the English variant. This will help you offer your visitors with a user–friendly on–site stay from the start.

There’s no need for any specific skills or tech know–how to utilize the GeoIP redirection application. It is configured with only a click of the mouse.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most current news within your website

What exactly is RSS? RSS can be described as a technology for submitting and accumulating content. It is being commonly used by media sites, personal blogs, bulletins, etc. The presented content is readily gathered from a feed reader and after that made available to the user. Utilizing RSS, users may obtain news from a number of sites and go over them in a sole area.

With the RSS News Syndication tool, you can quickly integrate headlines feeds coming from some of the world’s most well–known news sites and present them within your website.

RSS News