APC, or Alternative PHP Cache, is a PHP module which caches the output code of database-driven script software applications. Dynamic PHP websites store their content inside a database which is accessed whenever a visitor loads a webpage. The content which should be viewed is gathered and the code is parsed and compiled prior to it being delivered to the visitor. All these actions need some processing time and include reading and writing on the web server for every single page that is loaded. While this can't be avoided for Internet sites with regularly changing content, there are numerous Internet sites which have the same content on a lot of of their pages all of the time - blogs, informational portals, hotel and restaurant websites, and many others. APC is exceptionally useful for this type of websites as it caches the already compiled code and shows it any time visitors browse the cached pages, so the code does not need to be parsed and compiled again. This will not only decrease the server load, but it'll also raise the speed of any site a few times.

APC (PHP Opcode Cache) in Cloud Website Hosting

APC is provided with every single cloud website hosting solution that we offer and you could activate it with only a click from your Hepsia Control Panel if you would like to use it for your web apps. Several minutes later the framework will be working and you will experience the quicker loading speed of your database-driven websites. Since we provide several versions of PHP which can also be selected from Hepsia, you'll even be able to to use APC for scripts that need different versions of PHP within the same account. Our high tech cloud hosting platform is very adaptable, so in case you use another web accelerator for any website and it disrupts APC, you could activate or deactivate the aforementioned for a particular site only by using a php.ini file created in the domain or subdomain folder.

APC (PHP Opcode Cache) in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can use APC with all our semi-dedicated server solutions and activating the framework is done with a click inside the Hepsia Control Panel, so even if you lack previous experience, you'll be able to use it to boost your websites. As the cloud hosting platform where the semi-dedicated accounts are created is compatible with multiple PHP versions, you will have flexibility regarding the scripts and web accelerators you will be able to use. It will take you only a click to activate APC for one or a couple of PHP versions and by using a php.ini file in the domain/subdomain folders where you need settings which are not the same as the ones for the account as a whole, you'll be able to set what PHP release will be used and whether APC has to be enabled or not. In this way, one website may use APC and PHP 5.3, for instance, while another one could use some other accelerator and PHP 5.5.